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About Canada

Canada is one of the world's most diverse and multicultural countries, welcoming people of various ethnicities, backgrounds and religions. The capital of Canada is Ottawa, located in the province of Ontario... More

Canada is made up of 10 provinces and 3 territories:


1. Ontario

5. Nova Scotia

9. Newfoundland and Labrador

2. British Columbia

6. Saskatchewan

10. Prince Edward Island

3. Alberta

7. Manitoba

4. Quebec

8. New Brunswick


1. Northwest Territories

2. Nunavut

3. Yukon


The current population of Canada is 37.2 million, making it the 38th most populated country in the world. 32% of the residents are Canadian, while other major populations include English (18%), Scottish (14%), French (13.6%), Irish (13.4%), German (9.6%) and Chinese (5%). A total of 22% is foreign born, with new migration trends showing that about 60% of new immigrants come from Asia; mainly from China and India.


Canada is made up of vast, rugged land, located on the topmost part of the North American continent, bordering the United States. It is the largest North American country, occupying 41% of the total continent. Canada is the second largest country by area, following Russia. The Canadian shield, stretching across Northern Canada is a hilly region, made of lakes and swamps, comprising of some of the oldest rocks found on earth. The landscape in Canada is made up of spectacular mountains, plains, forested valleys and stunning lakes and rivers. Canada's lakes and rivers are believed to contain 20% of all fresh water on Earth and full of fish, like Trout and Salmon.

The tallest peak in Canada, and North America's second highest mountain, is Mount Logan, located in proximity to the Yukon-Alaska border. To the north of Canada, is the Arctic, which is frozen and full of ice, snow and glaciers. The remote forests in the north of Canada is home to an abundance of wildlife, from bears, wolves, deer, mountain lions, beavers, big horned sheep to smaller animals like racoons, otters and rabbits.


Canada has a parliamentary democracy and follows a federal system of government. The Head of State of Canada is the Queen of England, Elizabeth II, who is represented by the Governor General, Julie Payette. The Head of the Canadian Government is the Prime Minister; Justin Trudeau, who has also been the leader of the Liberal party since 2013.


Canada has several highways, which make it easy and convenient to travel long distance by car. Most of the major cities and towns in Canada are serviced by a well-connected public transport system. This includes: Bus, Train, Subway, Light-rail, Streetcars (Trams), and Ferry. To use the public transport, you must purchase a ticket or a transit pass. Transit passes give you unlimited use of public transport for given periods of time (One month, six months, etc).

The most common public transport in Canada is Buses, which is the easiest way to travel between cities, and travelling to smaller Canadian towns. The largest bus network in Canada is the Greyhound. Toronto and Montreal use a subway system, Vancouver has an above-ground monorail, and Calgary, Edmonton and Ottawa have light rail networks.

Most major cities also have metered taxis, which are quite expensive, and should only be used if other modes of transport are unavailable. In the Coastal regions of Canada; British Columbia and the Atlantic region; using ferry boats for travel is a common method of getting around. During the warmer months, cycling is quite common, where many cities have dedicated bike paths, and major cities like Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal offer bike-share programs and have several bike renting shops.

Popular attractions and landscapes in Canada include:

1. Niagara Falls, Ontario

2. The Canadian Rockies

3. CN Tower, Toronto

4. Hopewell Rocks, Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick

5. Old Quebec (UNESCO World Heritage Site)

6. Chateau Frontenac, Québec City

7. Banff National Park, Alberta

8. Confederation Bridge, New Brunswick

9. Parliament Hill, Ottawa

10. Whistler (Ski Resort), Vancouver

Why Migrate to Canada?

  • The Canadian Economy is one of the strongest in the world with a GDP of 1.7 trillion.
  • The unemployment rate in Canada is one of the lowest and provides diverse career opportunities for skilled workers.
  • The World Economic Forum has voted Canada's banking system the most stable in the world.
  • Canadians enjoy a good quality of life, with the second highest standard of living of all the G20 Nations.
  • Canada's Healthcare System is one of the fairest and most accessible in the world and offers some of the most supportive social security benefits for the whole family.
  • The OECD Better Life Index has awarded Canada a 9.7 out of 10 for safety and security.
  • Canadian PR holders are eligible for Canadian Citizenship if they meet all eligible criteria. Permanent Residents can sponsor relatives and other family members for PR, including Spouses/Partners, Parents, and children.
  • The Canadian passport ranks number 4, within the top 20 most powerful passports globally, as per the Global Passport Power ranking system. A Canadian passport holder can enjoy visa-free travel to 114 countries across the globe.
  • The country provides immense trade and personal growth opportunities.
  • Canada has a well-designed social system to help struggling immigrants; unable to find employment or those who recently lost their jobs.
  • Sectors like IT, Aerospace, Real Estate, Hospitality, Tourism, Automobile, Infrastructure and Manufacturing industries provide numerous opportunities for immigrants looking for work in Canada.

What is the climate of Canada?

Although Canada is regarded as a cold climate country, its landscape is quite diverse and Canadians experience four distinct seasons each year including, Summer, Spring, Autumn and Winter. During summer, the temperatures can rise as high as 35 degrees Celsius and in winter temperatures are known to drop down below -30 degrees.


Canadians experience Spring from March to May. During this time, Cherry blossoms are in full bloom, tulips adorn the streets and turn Canada into a picturesque wonderland. The weather is also quite cool and pleasant across the country during this time.


Summer in Canada is from June to August. If you are in Quebec or in southern Ontario, you may feel some humidity during this period. West Coast states like British Columbia, experience moderate conditions, with little humidity and cool evenings.

Autumn (fall)

From September to November, Canadian's experience the crisp, cooler temperatures of Autumn, whilst being mesmerized by the spectacular transformation of trees, as their leaves turn golden red, orange and yellow. The fall foliage can best be experienced in Quebec, Ontario, and the Maritime provinces.


Winter in Canada is experienced during the months of December, January and February.

Winters are generally cold with periods of snow, although in Alberta, residents sometimes experience something called a “Chinook”, which is an occasional dry wind that blows over from the Rocky Mountains and melts the snow. Around Vancouver and Victoria (southwest British Columbia), Winters are milder and wet, with frequent rain and periods of snowfall.

If it is your first Canadian winter, be prepared to brave the cold with the appropriate gear so that you can keep warm during this period. (It is recommended that you adorn yourselves with a beanie/cap, scarf, gloves, boots, thermal underwear and a dense overcoat)

Canada is the second-largest country in the world by area, with the 10th-largest economy. It is highly developed and takes pride in being one of the most stable economies in the world. The sustained economic competitiveness of the country can be attributed to strong rule of law and a rock solid open-market system.

The GDP of Canada is $1.7 trillion, based on 'Purchasing Power Parity', with a highly impressive growth rate of 1.7%. The country has a prestigious place among the global economies and is a member of important world groupings like NAFTA, APEC, G7, G20, WTO and OECD.

Top 15 Attributes of the Canadian Economy

  • Being a developed nation with high living standards, Canada resembles the USA in its market-oriented economic system
  • Canada is home to bright business prospects; three-quarters of Canadian exports go to the USA
  • Automotive, petroleum, transportation, telecom equipment, paper, food products, forest & agricultural products, metal & minerals, and petroleum are some of Canada's top industries.
  • Ontario and Quebec are the manufacturing hubs for aircraft and automobile products
  • Canada has the World's longest coastline; home to the world's 8th largest fishing and seafood industry
  • One of the world leaders in the entertainment software industry; a booming tourism & hospitality sector
  • A robust employment generator as the country's economy is dominated by the service industry
  • The Weekly Average Gross Salary of a Canadian worker is $985 (Approximately 51,000 INR)
  • Low unemployment rates (As low as 5.8%) thanks to a stable economy and thriving industries; new jobs help keep the national unemployment rate low
  • About three-quarters of Canadians, including Indian expatriates, are employed in the service industry
  • Canada is an 'energy superpower' with abundant natural resources and provides great opportunities for those seeking work in the automotive or oil industry.
  • The country possesses the 4th highest number of natural resources in the world
  • Canada owns the world's 3rd largest proven oil reserves; 4th largest petroleum product exporter; a world leader in crude petroleum sector with the world's 2nd largest oil reserve
  • A global leader in precious metal production including, uranium, gold, diamond, nickel and lead

Toronto is a world-class city, known for its high standards of living. The average monthly expenses in Toronto per person would roughly be between $2500 - $3,500.

The average monthly expenses in Toronto
Housing/Rent Groceries Transportation Phone/Internet Utility bills (Gas, Electricity, Water) Entertainment Miscellaneous




$100 - $150

$350- $400


$150 - $250


The average expenses per month are $2000 -$2,800

The average monthly expenses in $2000 -$2,800
Housing/Rent Groceries Transportation Phone/Internet Utility bills (Gas, Electricity, Water) Entertainment Miscellaneous



$160 - $200


$200 -300


$100 - $150

British Columbia

The prices in British Columbia are relatively reasonable compared to other cities in Canada. An average monthly expense per person is $1500 - $2,500.

The average monthly expenses is $1500 - $2,500.
Housing/Rent Groceries Transportation Phone/Internet Utility bills (Gas, Electricity, Water) Entertainment Miscellaneous



$130 - $150

$75 - $100

$150 -200




Alberta is popular among Asian migrants, as there are vast job opportunities available to immigrants through the Alberta Opportunity Stream. The most popular cities in Alberta are Calgary and Edmonton. The Average monthly expenses in Alberta are $1600 - $2500

Alberta is popular among Asian migrants, as there are vasast
Housing/Rent Groceries Transportation Phone/Internet Utility bills (Gas, Electricity, Water) Entertainment Miscellaneous


$155 - $200


$75 - $100

$150 -200

$165 - $200


New Brunswick

The average monthly expenses in New Brunswick are $1800 - $2,500

rage monthly expenses in New Brunswick are $1800 - $2,500
Housing/Rent Groceries Transportation Phone/Internet Utility bills (Gas, Electricity, Water) Entertainment Miscellaneous


$165 - $200


$90 - $120

$100 - $150



Nova Scotia

The average monthly expenses in Nova Scotia are $1500 - $3000

The average monthly expenses in Nova Scotia are $1500 - $3000
Housing/Rent Groceries Transportation Phone/Internet Utility bills (Gas, Electricity, Water) Entertainment Miscellaneous


$165 $ 200




$150 -$200


When you first arrive in the country, or even before you arrive, one of the primary things you would need to arrange is accommodation. While it may not be possible to find suitable long-term living arrangements without being in the country, it would be beneficial to sort out temporary accommodation for the first few weeks/months of your stay in Canada.

Canada offers several types of short-term accommodation, including condominiums, apartments and houses. Before you begin, you must first determine what type of accommodation/housing would best suit your needs.

Short Term accommodation

  • Hotels and Hostels: If you are looking for cheap options, then there are several budget hotels and hostels in Canada, offering short-term stay options to suit any kind of budget.
  • House Rentals: If you are accompanied by other family members, you may opt to rent an entire house. It is also possible to rent units; Duplex or Triplex.
  • Single studios/Lofts – suitable for those who enjoy their privacy, and do not like to share accommodation space with others. This option is most suitable for single people, and usually consists of a single room, with a kitchen and bathroom.
  • One-Bedroom apartment - Includes one bedroom, living room, kitchen and bathroom.
  • Shared Accommodation: Some accommodation options include shared houses or shared apartments, with private rooms. This can range from 2 - 6 bedroom apartments. In a shared accommodation, some facilities will be shared among the tenants, this includes; living areas, kitchen and bathroom facilities. Some apartments may come with ensuites. Shared acoomodation allows you to save costs, especially if you choose to live in cities like Toronto or Vancouver, where living costs are significantly higher.

How can I find accommodation in Canada?

  • A popular website for budget accommodation includes: Hostelworld
  • Airbnb is another online booking website, for apartments and short-term house rentals in Canada.
  • You can find houses and apartments for rent in Canada by browsing local classified newspapers or libraries
  • Browse popular online web directories like:
  • In most Canadian cities, it may also be worthwhile to explore your neighbourhood, as many landlords usually post signs outside their property with vacancy advertisements. Be on the lookout for signs reading “Vacancies”, “For Sale” and “For rent”.

Important points to keep in mind:

  • Most rentals in Canada usually start on the 1st of every month. Therefore, it is advisable that you arrive in the country at least 2 weeks before the end of the month, which will give you enough time to learn about your surroundings and find a suitable accommodation to fit your needs.
  • You would need to sign a lease agreement, for a fixed amount of time; This is usually one year. Once the one-year contract is up, you might be able to renew the lease for another one year, or switch to a month by month arrangement. These details need to be discussed with the landlord before the agreement is signed.
  • Most accommodation in Canada does not come furnished or may only be partially furnished. Finding new furniture can take up a lot of time and money, therefore it is best to keep in mind that the most ideal time to get good deals on furniture is towards the end of the month, as people are moving out, and will most often be selling their old furniture at bargain prices. Craigslist is a good online source for finding free/cheap items.
  • Before you sign the contract/lease agreement, make sure you check what fees are included in the rent. Sometimes the utility bills (Gas, Electricity, Water, Internet) may be included in the total rent.
  • If you need to leave your accommodation earlier than what has been signed on the lease, you may need to continue to pay the rent until the rental period is over. The landlord could however agree to you finding a suitable replacement tenant to sublet the apartment for the remaining rental period.
  • Most landlords will ask you to pay a refundable security deposit/bond (Usually one month's rent) which will be returned to you at the end of your rental period. If there are any damages to the property during your tenancy, a certain amount will be deducted from the total deposit amount that is returned to you.
  • The cheapest cities, in terms of living costs are Montreal, Edmonton, and Calgary. The most accessible cities are Quebec, Ottawa, Moncton and Sherbrooke. The most expensive cities in Canada are Toronto and Vancouver.
  • Be familiar with the tenancy laws in Canada and know your rights as a tenant.
  • Be aware of online scams and bogus advertisements.
  • Before you can rest/lease a property, the landlords will usually request some details from you, to verify your identity and ability to pay rent for the contract period offered. This could include documents like:
    • A letter from your current/most recent employer, indicating your monthly/annual income
    • Bi-weekly or monthly pay slips from your current employer
    • 3 – 6-month bank statements, showing that you have sufficient funds/savings to cover your rent for a few months.
    • Reference letters from any previous landlords

How much is rent in Canada?

Based on reports released by the CBC, the average price of a single studio apartment is upwards of $787 per month. A one-bedroom apartment is around $950, while a two-bedroom apartment would cost $1,050. Apartments with more than two bedrooms would cost upwards of $1100 monthly.

The city of Montreal in Quebec is one of the most affordable big cities in Canada. On average, the monthly rent in Montreal is $800, which is comparatively cheaper when considered against other big Canadian cities like Calgary; $1,300 a month, and Vancouver; $1,650 per month.

You could also search for accommodation by browsing through individual city rental pages below on the moving2canada webpage:

Long Term Accommodation

Buying a house

When you decide to commit to long-term accommodation in Canada, ie; buying a house, you would need to have built up good credit, to be able to get a home loan from a Canadian bank. It is always advisable to use a real estate agent when buying a house.

Popular real estate agents in Canada:

It is important to note that buying a house can be very costly. Be sure that you are aware of the costs before you make this commitment. These costs could include (but not limited to) the following:

  • Costs of the real estate agent
  • Lawyer fees
  • Annual property tax
  • Home insurance
  • Registration fees
  • Taxes associated with the purchase of the house
  • Costs of maintenance
  • Heating
  • Electricity
  • Water
  • Gas
  • Sewage disposal

There are several financial assistance benefits provided for Canadian permanent residents. For more information on this, you should visit the Canadian Immigration Services website.

Other things to keep in mind before purchasing a house:

  • Ensure that all appliances provided by the owner is in working order, and that the water devices do not have any damage.
  • Check for any structural damages, cracks, holes and other issues with the house.
  • Make sure that the property is not infested with unwanted insects and rodents.
  • Ensure that the property is in a safe and secure location, and easily accessible to transport.
  • If you have family (including kids), make sure there are schools/ other education institutions located within proximity to the house.
  • It will be beneficial if the house is located close to convenience stores/supermarkets, service station, parks and a medical clinic.


Canada has two official languages; English and French, with more than 17% of the population being bilingual. More than 3/4th of the population in the Quebec province speak French as their primary language, and is the province with the greatest French influence, indicated by the differences in its architecture, road signs, product labels, place names, schooling and religion.

In addition to English and French, several other dialects are spoken in Canada, including Mandarin, Punjabi, Italian, Spanish, German, Cantonese, Arabic, and several others.


The main religions practiced in Canada include Catholicism (39 %), Protestant (20%), Orthodox (1.6%), Islam (3.2%), Hindu (1.5%), Buddhist (1.1%), Sikh (1.4%), Jewish (1%), and 24% have no religious affiliations.


Due to its multiculturalism and diverse ethnic population, Canada has a broad range of popular food variations. Some of the most common foods and snacks enjoyed by Canadians include:

  • Poutine (French fries and cheese topped with a brown gravy) – originates from Quebec
  • Peameal bacon – pork loin brined and rolled in cornmeal
  • Maple syrup – enjoyed with pancakes, doughnuts and butter tarts
  • Montreal-style bagels
  • Montreal style smoked meat
  • Salmon jerky (Dried smoked salmon)
  • Perogy (Stuffed dumplings)
  • California roll
  • Ketchup chips
  • Nova Scotia donair
  • Saskatoon berry pie

Arts, Performing Arts and Literature

Canada comprises of several government funded art galleries, performing arts centers, and theatres (mainly in the bigger cities). The country also has several specialist English literature companies, that put on yearly festivals like the Stratford Shakespeare Festival, and the Shaw Festival in Ontario. Toronto is renowned for being one of the World Leaders in arts; known for hosting more theatre openings than any other English speaking city in the world.


Canadians love ICE hockey, or in Canada simply known as “Hockey”, which is Canada's most popular international sporting competition. Most Canadians learn ice hockey from a very young age and competitions are held for almost every age group, where participants hope of competing for their favorite team in the National Hockey League (NHL), drawing millions of spectators each year.

Lacrosse is another favorite Canadian sport, enjoyed during the summertime. Football is also popular among Canadians, with thousands competing each year in the Canadian Football League (CFL), and the annual sporting event; The Grey Cup.

Other popular sports include soccer, golf, swimming, basketball, baseball, volleyball, skiing, cycling and tennis.

Canada has a well-funded public education system which is managed provincially. A few characteristics of the education system varies between provinces. The education is administered and run by the Federal Government of Canada, which ensures that the education is consistent throughout each of the Canadian Provinces and Territories.

Both private and public education systems exist in Canada, with the government spending as much as 6% of its GDP on education subsidization, by funding education from kindergarten up to post-secondary level of education.

The education system is broken down into three levels:

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Post – Secondary

Except in Ontario and Quebec, where children begin studies at the age of four years, in all other states and provinces, education is available to children once they turn five. Attending Kindergarten is optional in some provinces and each province has their own requirements for how long children are required to be enrolled in school.

In Canada, Permanent residents and citizens can apply for health insurance from their territory or province. It is publicly funded as the costs are covered through taxation.

Depending on the province, new PR holders are able to claim health insurance coverage as soon as they get their PR status confirmed. However, in some provinces there is a waiting period of up to three months before they can claim the insurance. During this period, private health insurance is an option. Depending on the work that you are engaged in, your employer may be able to provide health insurance coverage which could include dental, optical, physiotherapy, as well as cost of prescription drugs.


In Ontario, the health insurance scheme/plan is known as Ontario Health Insurance plan (OHIP) and covers dental surgery, optometry, ambulance services, abortions, doctor visits, podiatry and hospital stays. In this province, it takes up to three months after arrival for the OHIP to cover the health insurance costs.

British Columbia

In British Columbia, the health insurance scheme is referred to as Medical Services Plan (MSP). It takes up to three months for the coverage to take effect.

You will have to wait up to three months after your arrival date in British Columbia for the coverage to begin. The MSP plan covers dental and oral surgery, eye exams, x rays, and services provided by physicians and mid wives. It does not cover prescription drugs, regular eye exams, and certain dental services, which you may either need to pay for additionally or find a different coverage plan.


In Alberta, the healthcare insurance is known as the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP). In this province, the healthcare coverage is available to PR holders from the day they arrive in the province, as long as all the necessary requirements are met.


In Quebec, residents need to register for health insurance with the Health Insurance Board of Quebec, known as the RAMQ. The waiting period is three months after arrival and registration for coverage. Temporary workers who are able to provide evidence of at least 6 months' work in Quebec from their employers are also eligible to claim coverage.

Residents are encouraged to apply for coverage as soon as they arrive in Quebec by registering in person or visiting the Registration office and filling out a form and submitting it along with other identity documents.

Work Opportunities in Canada

Each year, Canada accepts approximately 250,000 Permanent Residents. It is the world's second largest country, to the North of the USA. The two most developed and multicultural cities in Canada are Toronto and Vancouver, consisting of a very diverse and rich artistic and cultural setting.

Canada welcomes hard-working professionals as it seeks to make a strong national workforce for the country's development. The job market provides immense opportunities for immigrants who are keen to live and work in Canada.

Due to significant labor shortages in several industries, the employment opportunities are vast and can be quite advantageous to migrants seeking employment. The highest demand sectors are the IT, Engineering, Hospitality and Healthcare sectors. In addition, Canadian employers are actively seeking skilled trades workers like plumbers and carpenters.

Jobs Popular Among Immigrants in Canada

You choose a job according to your skills. For a skillful person, there is no dearth of work opportunities in Canada. Professionals with training in English, IT, Healthcare Industry, and Engineering are highly sought after in Canada.

Popular jobs for Skilled workers

  • Engineers
  • Chefs & Cooks
  • Nursing
  • IT
  • Architects
  • Accountants
  • Teachers
  • Managers/ Supervisors
  • Professionals
  • Administrators
  • Administrators

Work Opportunities for Highly Skilled Professionals in Canada

Canada also provides work opportunities to immigrants who are highly skilled and demonstrate good language proficiency. Some popular professions for them could be:

  • Information System Analyst/ Consultants
  • University Professors/Lecturers
  • Software Engineers
  • Financial/Investment Analysts
  • Financial Auditors/Accountants
  • Computer Programmers/Interactive Media Developers
  • Graphic Designers/Illustrators

The Canadian Minimum Wage

The legal minimum wages in each of Canada's provinces are as follows:

The Canadian Minimum Wage
ProvinceMinimum Hourly Wage
British Columbia$13.85
New Brunswick$11.50
Newfoundland & Labrador$11.40
Northwest Territories$13.46
Nova Scotia$11.55
Prince Edward Island$12.25

Pursuing Higher studies in Canada

Canadian cities like Toronto, Montreal, Quebec and Vancouver are ideal study destinations for international students pursuing higher education qualifications, due to its multicultural society, and tolerant and friendly nature. The country is also rich in its abundance of natural beauty with many lakes, mountains and forests.

Higher education institutions in Canada include Universities (for both Undergraduate and post-graduate studies), Community colleges, and Applied Arts and Applied Science schools (for certificates, diplomas, associate degrees and bachelor degrees).

Community Colleges

Canada comprises over 200 institutions that offer diploma qualifications as well as many community colleges; which are a pathway to a bachelor degree. Any credits/points earned at the community college could be used to transfer to an undergraduate college or University. Community colleges offer low tuition costs compared to Universities and is an ideal opportunity for students who are looking for cheaper study options. These colleges offer students the chance to complete the first two years of their undergraduate course at the community college, and transfer to a prestigious University to complete the remaining two years of their course.

Community colleges in Canada also offer short courses that can be completed within a few weeks/ months. The English language requirement to join a community college is 5.0-5.5 on the IELTS exam.

Undergraduate Degrees and Post Graduate Degrees

26 Canadian Universities are featured in the 2019 edition of the QS World University rankings, with 3 Universities in the top 50, and 11 Universities within the top 300.

Some of the most renowned Canadian Universities are the University of Toronto, McGill University, University of British Columbia, University of Alberta, McMaster University, University of Montreal, University of Waterloo and Western University.

Undergraduate courses in Canada take between three to four years (full time study) to complete depending on the course undertaken. The undergraduate colleges are generally bigger than community colleges, with better facilities and offer a more diverse range of courses.

Admission into any college or University in Canada would require international students to show their language proficiency by either taking the IELTS or TOEFL exam. To gain admission to the University, students would also need to provide additional documentation along with their applications, including previous transcripts/diplomas, a cover letter, a cv and recommendation letters. Students must submit their application at least six months prior to course commencement. The minimum English language requirement to study at an undergraduate level in Canada is 6-6.5 IELTS score.

The average tuition fees for undergraduate universities in Canada could range anywhere between CAD $15,000 – CAD $22,500 *Post-graduate degrees take between 1-3 years to completing depending on the type of degree.

Top courses to study in Canada


Canada is a popular location for filming especially in cities like Toronto and Vancouver. It is also a popular destination for producing leaders in the animation field. Sheridan College in Canada is one of the best schools for animation, with many graduates who go on to get jobs in renowned companies like Disney and Pixar. The Banff Centre for the Arts located in Alberta, is another leading education institute in artistic and creative development. Graduates from these institutions go on to work freelance or for agencies like ToonBoom, who work on popular Oscar nominated films.

Software Engineering

Software engineering and technology is very popular in Canada. The University of Waterloo, in Ontario is well-known for their software engineering courses, and have produced many graduates who go on to work for tech giants like Google and Microsoft. Technologies like the Imax and flat screen were developed in Canada. The Blackberry phones were also developed in Canada.

Petroleum Engineering

Many Canadian Universities like the University of Calgary, University of Dalhousie, and University of Alberta have a great reputation for providing funding for students interested in following petroleum engineering courses. IT project managers and software engineers, web developers, program analysts and java developers are among the top 10, in-demand occupations in Canada in 2018 and is one of the fastest growing sectors offering some of the most competitive salaries (the average annual salary is between $80,000 - $82,000)

Engineering Management

Engineering management is another popular field in Canada, with the number of new engineering jobs in Canada growing at a steady rate. The most in-demand engineering jobs are; mechanical, civil, electrical electronics, chemical, industrial and manufacturing and engineering management.

Physical & Earth Sciences and Renewable Energy

Students from Earth Sciences background and related fields are also in high demand in Canada right now due to the increase in the use of renewal energy sources. Some of the top areas of study in this field is physics and astronomy, mining, geology, geo-informatics, renewable energy, medical physics and nanotechnology, oil and petroleum engineering and geoscience and oceanography.

Other fields of study popular among foreign migrants:

  • Architecture
  • Hospitality; Accommodation & Restaurant Managers
  • Education; Teachers and Education Counsellors

For International student in Canada, work conditions are as follows:

  • Part time work – upto 20 hours per week during the semester
  • Full time – 40 hours per week during semester break/holidays

Work on-campus

To be eligible to work on-campus without a work permit, a student needs to have:

  • Valid study permit
  • Social Insurance Number (SIN)
  • Registered full-time at a college

On-campus work could include working for the school, a faculty member, student organization, private business located within campus or a private contractor who provides services to the school.

Work off-campus

Eligibility requirements to work Off - Campus:

  • Full-time student with a valid Canadian study permit, which states that you “may accept employment in Canada” and a letter issued by IRCC, confirming that you are authorized to work off campus.
  • Commenced your studies and are in good academic standing with the University
  • Have a social insurance number (SIN), a nine-digit number – required for work, access to national programs and other benefits.


This type of program is for International students whose study course lists “employment” as a key part of their course structure. In some cases, the employment/work quota of this program could make-up 50% of their total grade.

Steps to find work in Canada

  • Get a social insurance number (SIN)
  • Check online: Go through job specific websites
  • Take part in volunteer work: It will help to become familiar with the language and culture as well as develop required skills
  • Join a professional or student committee
  • Use LinkedIn to build a strong business contact network

Popular jobs for International students

  • Bookkeeper: $25 per hour
  • Educational interpreter ( providing communication access to deaf or hard of hearing students): $13 per hour
  • Customer service assistant: $11 per hour
  • Aquarium interpreter ( Creating fun and unique experiences for visitors to the aquarium): $13 per hour
  • Sales assistant: $12 per hour
  • Cook: $13 per hour
  • Office assistant: $13 – 15 per hour
  • Human resources assistant: $13 per hour
  • Lifeguard: $12 per hour

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Latest News

Canada Express Entry Draw; June 2019
The latest Canada Express Entry draw was held on 12 June 2019, with 3,350 invitations issued. The lowest qualifying score on the comprehensive ranking system (CRS) was 465 points. The next draw is expected to have a similar minimum CRS score. The previous draw had a minimum cut off point of 470.


QUEBEC issues first Skilled Worker invitations under ARRIMA profile
The latest Canada Express Entry draw was held on 12 June 2019, with 3,350 invitations issued. The lowest qualifying score on the comprehensive ranking system (CRS) was 465 points. The next draw is expected to have a similar minimum CRS score. The previous draw had a minimum cut off point of 470.



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Canada is IN-DEMAND for overseas skilled workers!

Canada is IN-DEMAND for overseas skilled workers!
Canada's rapidly ageing population has left the country with the challenge of sourcing qualified, skilled workers to fill the increasing demand for skilled occupations. The Federal Government's solution has been to grow immigration levels over the next several years, and bring in qualified, overseas skilled workers through Canada's Express Entry Stream, and Provincial Nominee Programs.



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Submit your application together with supporting documents


Wait for your visa to be granted

Appointment Request Form

Call us on +91-9650116699

24 hours contact via WhatsApp @

Australia: +61 415 383 393